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सितम्बर 14, 2016

Spotlight Story: Ysleta ISD, CATCH Implementation and Phase 1 Student Results

This week we take time to highlight Texas Obesity Awareness Week (TOAW), raise awareness of the health risks associated with obesity, and to encourage Texans to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Here at CATCH, we’re especially encouraged by all our sites in Texas (and nationwide!), which are implementing the program to the very best of their ability to create a coordinated school health environment that improves children’s health and supports a lifetime of wellness.

As such, we’re thrilled to spotlight a shining CATCH district in South Texas: El Paso’s Ysleta Independent School District. In August 2015, CATCH Global Foundation partnered with टेक्सास का ब्लू क्रॉस ब्लू शील्ड to bring CATCH to 14 schools and 7,500 students in Ysleta ISD. Given the momentum and success thus far, the program is set to expand to 11,000 students and 23 schools in Phase 2, kicking off in Fall 2016.

Below are graphics illustrating some highlights from CATCH’s findings, measured from September 2015-May 2016:

Physical Activity Outcomes

Nutrition Outcomes

There was no change in sugar sweetened beverage consumption, including sodas, fruit-punch, and sports drinks.

Keep up the great work, Ysleta ISD! And of course thanks to the teachers, administration, nurses, PE instructors, cafeteria team, parents and of course students who are committed to a healthy lifestyle. 

Also, please take a few minutes to learn more about Texas Obesity Awareness Week, यहाँ, and don’t forget to register to attend the 2016 Health Champion Award Ceremony on September 15वां at the Blanton Museum of Art, more info here (it’s free and open to the public!) We can’t wait to celebrate Michelle Smith from स्वस्थ बच्चों के लिए कार्रवाई और उज्जवल काटने as the 2016 Texas Health Champions.