Educators’ Club
What is the CATCH Educators’ Club?
The CATCH Educators’ Club is available for FREE to anyone with a account. It is accessed via your CATCH dashboard and includes the following:
- Featured resources, ranging from classroom activities and family engagement materials to mental health and self-care resources created with your well-being in mind
- Ongoing access to our featured “Dance of the Month” (part of our SEL Journeys program)
- Opportunities to join meaningful discussions with other educators and CATCH champions via our “Community Buzz” page
- Inspiration from like-minded educators in our Partner Spotlight
- Free sample lessons and resources from various CATCH program offerings
Club members will also receive:
- A free email subscription to “Bite Size Wellness” (opt out any time)
- VIP invitations and discounts on various CATCH events and professional learning opportunities throughout the year
Waiting for you in the club...

Dance of the Month
Easy, fun lessons for dances from around the world!

Community Buzz
Swap ideas about trending topics with fellow educators.

Partner Spotlight
Get inspiration from schools across the country and around the world!
Join the club!
Click the button above to get started. Logged-in users will skip to step 3.
Log in or create a free account.
Click the “Educators’ Club” tile on your Dashboard.