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CATCH’s Whole Child wellness program effectiveness have been researched and refined for more than 30 years. Spanning PreK through 12th grade, the programs have been shown to be effective in both the in-school and out-of-school environments. The proof of CATCH’s effectiveness is demonstrated by the gold standard of peer-reviewed academic research as well as through the success stories that come from the communities we serve. No other Whole Child wellness program can boast such robust scientific evidence backed by decades of real-world implementation.

Make a selection below to see what we mean when we say CATCH has “proven effectiveness.”


Research Highlights

Rigorously Researched

CATCH has over 120 peer reviewed scientific studies demonstrating effectiveness.

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CATCH is the most cost-effective program shown to prevent childhood obesity.

(Cawley, et al., Health Affairs, 2010)
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Vaping Prevention

45% fewer kids go on to try e-cigarettes one year after completing CATCH My Breath, compared to control schools.

(Kelder, et al., Public Health Reports, 2020)
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Lasting Impact

CATCH behavior changes have been shown to persist 3 years post-implementation.

(Nader, et al., Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med., 1999)
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Reduces Child Obesity

In Travis County, TX, implementation of CATCH led to a significant 9% difference in 4th grade overweight and obesity.

(Hoelscher, et al., Obesity, 2010)
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