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November 2, 2019 – November 6, 2019
Pennsylvania Convention Center
1101 Arch St
Philadelphia, PA 19107

3086.0 – Effectiveness of the Coordinated Approach to Child Health Program (CATCH) in Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Food Habits and Physical Activity in Schools

Monday, November 04 • 10:30PM – 11:30PM
Noemí Acevedo, PUCMM

Obesity is a morbid disease, resulting in long-term consequences– cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases and cancer. To prevent this, emphasis was placed on identifying schoolchildren’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviors regarding healthy food habits and physical activity. An innovative program was incorporated into the school curriculum, known as Coordinated Approach to Child’s Health (CATCH), to educate students about healthier lifestyles and encourage them to integrate them into their lives. This was the first time a program of this stature was carried out in the Dominican Republic.

4194.0 – A middle school e-cigarette prevention program. 16 month follow-up from the CATCH My Breath program

Tuesday, November 05 • 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Steven Kelder, The University of Texas School of Public Health

The CATCH My Breath (CMB) e-cigarette prevention program was piloted tested in 6 pairs of Central Texas middle schools. Behavioral and psychosocial outcomes were measured at pretest, 4-week posttest and 16 month follow-up. A cross-sectional treatment-by-time interaction was tested, with school as unit of analysis, including covariance adjustments of school size, percent free-and-reduced lunch, ethnicity and gender.

4194.0 – Rapid response to an E-cigarette epidemic: Dissemination of the CATCH My Breath program

Tuesday, November 05 • 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Duncan Van Dusen, CATCH Global Foundation

In 2016, the CDC urged action to prevent the onset of teen e-cigarette use. In answer to this call to action, the CATCH My Breath (CMB) Youth E-cigarette Prevention Program was developed and formatively evaluated. This abstract presents CATCH Global Foundation’s (CGF) dissemination strategy and outcomes for CMB.

4435.0 – Teacher training improves PE quality resulting in more MVPA for students

Tuesday, November 05 • 5:00PM – 5:20PM
Duncan Van Dusen, CATCH Global Foundation
Joe McMahan, CATCH Global Foundation

From 2014-2018, CATCH Global Foundation delivered training and curriculum to K-8 PE teachers in seven school districts with the goal of increasing the amount of time in which students are moderately-to-vigorously active. Training focused on best practices for PE instruction including the use of non-elimination and small side games; adequate equipment-to-student ratios; active transition and management routines; concise instructions and instructional cues; and clear start-and-stop signals. Curricular materials offered activities to maximize moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) while still addressing PE skill building and developmental standards.

4435.0 – Preliminary Evaluation of CATCH Program Implementation in a Rural Elementary School with a Large Minority Population

Tuesday, November 05 • 5:20PM – 5:40PM
Carmen Samuel-Hodge, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health

Children living in rural areas have 26% greater odds of being affected by obesity compared to those living in urban areas, and within rural populations, blacks and those with lower educational achievement, are disproportionately affected. While evidence-based programs like CATCH (Coordinated Approaches to Child Health) have the potential to prevent childhood obesity, implementation in rural schools is rare. An elementary school in rural North Carolina implementing CATCH participated in this pilot evaluation study. Weight status was measured in April 2016 with follow-up in April 2018.

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