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November 3, 2019 – November 5, 2019
Samoset Reservation
220 Warrenton Street
Rockport, ME 04856

CATCH My Breath: Universal E-cigarette/Juul Youth Prevention Program

Monday, November 4 Session 6 1:15 – 2:15 PM
Lindsay Edgar, CATCH Global Foundation

In 2018, one in five high school students and one in twenty middle school students reported that they had “vaped” in the past 30 days, a substantial increase in youth vaping from the previous year. The vast majority of e-cigarette products contain nicotine, and some, like the popular Juul vaping device, can easily masquerade as benign school supplies. The free CATCH My Breath E-cigarette/Juul youth prevention program was created in response to this spike in vaping among youth. The program consists of 4 skills-based, best practice lessons that align to the Maine and National Health Education Standards. Participants in this session will learn what educators and parents should know about youth vaping epidemic and how to access and use the free CATCH My Breath program. (The program has been revised to stay up-to-date.)

CATCH Go Dough: School Wellness Funds Made Simple

Monday, November 4 Session 8 • 3:45 – 4:45 PM

Maine AHPERD has teamed up with CATCH Global Foundation to make it simpler for schools to raise and spend funds to support their wellness efforts. “GO Dough” empowers your campus to raise funds online and spend those dollars on whatever wellness needs or initiatives you see fit. No limited catalogues of equipment to choose from. No restrictive vendor lists. No red tape. Best of all, 80% of funds raised go directly back to the schools and 5% to MAHPERD! Sound interesting? Come to this session to learn more about how to get started and plan your fundraising campaign.


Click here for more information