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October 24, 2017 – October 27, 2017
Hyatt Regency Chicago
151 E Upper Wacker Dr
Chicago, IL

Healthy Habits are Fun! Physical Activity, Nutrition & Sun Safety

Friday, October 27th • 9 – 10:45 AM • Health Services Room
Abby Rose
, CATCH Global Foundation

Children’s behavior is guided by the environments in which they live, learn, and play. Positive nutrition, physical activity, and sun protection experiences in early childhood set a foundation for healthy habits later in life. This session will introduce participants to two educational programs, CATCH Early Childhood and Ray and the SunbeatablesTM: A Sun Safety Curriculum for Preschoolers, and provide useful strategies and fun classroom activities that engage children, teachers, and parents in healthy eating, physical activity, and sun protection behaviors.

Click here for more information