November 7, 2019 – November 9, 2019
Lansing Center
333 E Michigan Ave
Lansing, MI 48933
CATCH My Breath: E-cigarette and Juul Youth Prevention
Thursday, November 7 • 2:30 – 3:30 PM • Banquet Room 5/6
Abby Rose, CATCH Global Foundation
CATCH My Breath is a best-practices youth E-cigarette and Juul prevention program developed by The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health. The program provides up-to-date information to teachers, parents, and health professionals to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about the use of E-cigarettes, including Juul devices. CATCH My Breath utilizes a peer-led teaching approach and meets National and State Health Education Standards. And best of all, it’s FREE!!
GO Dough: School Wellness Fundraising Made Simple
Friday, November 8 • 1:30 – 2:30 PM • Banquet Room 1-4
Abby Rose, CATCH Global Foundation
Let’s face it: school fundraising is broken. But it doesn’t have to be for your campus. GO Dough combines an online platform, financial services, and health-focused fundraising to make it simple for schools to raise and spend money on campus wellness. No limited catalogues of equipment to choose from. No restrictive vendor lists. No red tape. Sound interesting? Best of all, schools keep 75% of funds raised while helping to support your professional organization, SHAPE Michigan! How is CATCH able to do this? CATCH Global Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable foundation whose mission is to help create and sustain healthy learning environments in schools. A major aspect of sustainability in schools is self-funding. GO Dough CATCH’ifies many of the challenges around school wellness fundraising making it easier for schools to plan and fundraise for their wellness program budget. With GO Dough…
✓ 75% of funds raised go directly to the schools
✓ Schools spend funds raised where and how they see fit to sustain and grow their wellness programs, including professional development
✓ Schools can choose to raise funds on behalf of a wellness focused charitable organization
✓ Funds never expire
✓ Schools design and promote health themed campaigns
✓ Kids’ participation is supported
✓ No financial administration for schools
✓ No set up required for schools With GO Dough, spending your funds is simpler, too! CATCH will provide your campus with a personalized GO Dough card, which works just like a VISA debit card. As funds are raised online or deposited as cash, they’re processed and moved onto your card—it’s really that simple.