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October 26, 2016

In this blog post, we’re delighted to feature an update sent to us from the staff at Grandview Elementary in Bloomington, Indiana:

“CATCH has been a wonderful program that Grandview Elementary has embraced with great enthusiasm.  Grandview is still working through the beginning stages of CATCH. So far, we celebrated our CATCH kick-off during the week of September 12th through the 16th with a variety of exciting activities, such as “Workout Wednesday” where students wore their favorite workout gear to school.

lungesontrail_grandviewCATCH has tied in perfectly with our Grandview STEM initiative.  Classrooms are integrating CATCH activities across the curriculum.  Here are a few examples of classroom activities:  Fitness Fridays, GO SLOW and WHOA foods discussions, identifying foods in texts that are read, using Popplets to create a graphic organizers with foods, movement in math activities called “Scoot”.  One classroom sent home a healthy snack choice list and now all snacks being sent in are from the healthy choice list.

CATCH goes beyond the classroom.  When you walk the halls of Grandview you will see CATCH posters, you will hear Mrs. Roberts, our principal, during morning announcements, promote “Go” foods that the cafeteria will serve at lunch.  Teachers on cafeteria duty will compliment students on their good food choices.  You will also see teachers walking the halls with their water bottles and notice snacks they may be eating such as fruits and vegetables.

Families are beginning to embrace our CATCH initiative. One parent came into the school to take a picture of the posters because their child kept talking about it at home and the parent wanted to be able to refer back to it.  We are excited to bridge the gap between home and school and learn that positive health behaviors are occurring in the home setting as well as in school.

Moving forward, our CATCH team is excited to plan additional activities that embrace and support the CATCH program.  Our team meets on a regular basis (about every 3 weeks) to reflect on what we are already doing as well as plan for future activities that support our CATCH program.”

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Thank you Grandview for your support of CATCH and your dedication to child health! Keep up the great work!