About SEL Journeys
Exclusively available through CATCH, SEL Journeys provides age-differentiated lessons aligned to the CASEL Framework for Systemic Social and Emotional Learning.
The K-12 program uses movement and cultural learning to teach and reinforce SEL concepts via a highly engaging digital platform. Social and emotional learning curriculum for K-12 students can be used as a stand-alone program, or together with other CATCH programs as a one-stop solution to support kids’ physical and mental health.
Coordinating a campus around a Whole Child approach to wellness provides a foundation upon which all physical and mental well-being programs and initiatives can thrive. It is well-documented that healthy kids are better learners and social & emotional skills lead to better academic and life outcomes.
Our Approach to Movement & Cultural Learning
The movement activities included in in Social and emotional learning curriculum for K-12 students are inspired by dances from around the world. This curriculum has been informed by careful research and consultation with cultural experts for each genre.
All material is inspired by authentic dance steps. Our intention is to celebrate and appreciate each culture, while treating the origins of the movement with reverence and respect.
Equity & Inclusivity
Movement therapy research and physical education best practices inform any modifications made to authentic movements to ensure the content is developmentally appropriate for students and inclusive of diverse learners. Additionally, the social and emotional learning curriculum for K-12 students was written in collaboration with one of the authors’s of CASEL’s “Equity & Social Emotional Learning” framework brief.
Fostering Unity
We embrace movement as a powerful way to unite people in celebration of our shared humanity.
An Effective SEL Solution

95% of students say our programs helps them build self-confidence.

89% of students say our programs help them get motivated and set goals.

Social Awareness
99% of students say our programs help them practice showing respect for others.

Relationship Skills
94% of students say our programs help them feel more comfortable with their peers.

Responsible Decision-Making
90% of students say our programs help them make safe and healthy choices that are good for themselves and others.
CATCH and SEL Journeys
SEL Journeys has been integrated into CATCH’s Whole Child wellness programming and offers schools and child care centers a fun and easy-to-use option to expand their health efforts to include Social and Emotional Learning.
Campuses that use CATCH will find that Social and emotional learning curriculum for K-12 students perfectly complements their ongoing wellness efforts, and with the new and improved CATCH Coordination Kit, there is a step-by-step guide for implementation.
Program Options

Limited AccessSEL Journeys™
Dance of the Month
Get started with Dance of the Month and take your students around the world with SEL Journeys. Each month you’ll get special access to a new dance style to try in your classroom.
Dance of the Month is available for free via CATCH’s Educators’ Club.
Free previews of the SEL Journeys Teacher Guides are also available:
K-5 Guide | 6-8 Guide

Full AccessSEL Journeys™
Campus-Wide License
- Campus-wide teacher/facilitator licenses with full access to SEL Journeys content for 1 year
- Supplemental resources including lesson planning materials, printable worksheets, music tracks, and more.
- Access to “Start Your Journey: SEL Journeys™ Implementation Training” asynchronous course (course completion certificate available)
SEL Trainings
View OfferingsAvailable Trainings
for 2021-2022

Return to Learn: Supporting Students & Staff with SEL - $75/person
- How to have mental/emotional health check-ins for students and staff
- Strategies to manage anxiety and rebuild relationships

Start Your Journey: SEL Journeys™ Implementation Training - $75/person
- Get acquainted with the program and armed with best practices to ensure a successful implementation
- Learn how to navigate the program platform
- Consider how key SEL ideas can be reinforced throughout the week and how the program can be a springboard for boosting creativity and fostering peer relationships.

Whole School, Whole Community SEL - $75/person
- Evaluate current SEL practices at both the classroom and school wide level and identify areas for growth.
- Engage in 5 anchor activities designed to engage the whole school and community in common SEL language and practices.
- Reflect on ways to connect SEL practices to an overall school-wide health and wellness plan.

Social Emotional Learning and PE: A Perfect Match - $75/person
- Participants in this training course will take away strategies and tools to embed SEL into their existing PE curriculum and activities.
About SEL Journeys
Exclusively available through CATCH, SEL Journeys provides age-differentiated lessons aligned to the CASEL Framework for Systemic Social and Emotional Learning.
The K-12 program uses movement and cultural learning to teach and reinforce SEL concepts via a highly engaging digital platform. Social and emotional learning curriculum for K-12 students can be used as a stand-alone program, or together with other CATCH programs as a one-stop solution to support kids’ physical and mental health.
Coordinating a campus around a Whole Child approach to wellness provides a foundation upon which all physical and mental well-being programs and initiatives can thrive. It is well-documented that healthy kids are better learners and social & emotional skills lead to better academic and life outcomes.
Our Approach to Movement & Cultural Learning
The movement activities included in in Social and emotional learning curriculum for K-12 students are inspired by dances from around the world. This curriculum has been informed by careful research and consultation with cultural experts for each genre.
All material is inspired by authentic dance steps. Our intention is to celebrate and appreciate each culture, while treating the origins of the movement with reverence and respect.
Equity & Inclusivity
Movement therapy research and physical education best practices inform any modifications made to authentic movements to ensure the content is developmentally appropriate for students and inclusive of diverse learners. Additionally, the social and emotional learning curriculum for K-12 students was written in collaboration with one of the authors’s of CASEL’s “Equity & Social Emotional Learning” framework brief.
Fostering Unity
We embrace movement as a powerful way to unite people in celebration of our shared humanity.
An Effective SEL Solution

95% of students say our programs helps them build self-confidence.

89% of students say our programs help them get motivated and set goals.

Social Awareness
99% of students say our programs help them practice showing respect for others.

Relationship Skills
94% of students say our programs help them feel more comfortable with their peers.

Responsible Decision-Making
90% of students say our programs help them make safe and healthy choices that are good for themselves and others.
CATCH and SEL Journeys
SEL Journeys has been integrated into CATCH’s Whole Child wellness programming and offers schools and child care centers a fun and easy-to-use option to expand their health efforts to include Social and Emotional Learning.
Campuses that use CATCH will find that Social and emotional learning curriculum for K-12 students perfectly complements their ongoing wellness efforts, and with the new and improved CATCH Coordination Kit, there is a step-by-step guide for implementation.
Program Options

Limited AccessSEL Journeys™
Dance of the Month
Get started with Dance of the Month and take your students around the world with SEL Journeys. Each month you’ll get special access to a new dance style to try in your classroom.
Dance of the Month is available for free via CATCH’s Educators’ Club.
Free previews of the SEL Journeys Teacher Guides are also available:
K-5 Guide | 6-8 Guide

Full AccessSEL Journeys™
Campus-Wide License
- Campus-wide teacher/facilitator licenses with full access to SEL Journeys content for 1 year
- Supplemental resources including lesson planning materials, printable worksheets, music tracks, and more.
- Access to “Start Your Journey: SEL Journeys™ Implementation Training” asynchronous course (course completion certificate available)
SEL Trainings
View OfferingsAvailable Trainings
for 2021-2022

Return to Learn: Supporting Students & Staff with SEL - $75/person
- How to have mental/emotional health check-ins for students and staff
- Strategies to manage anxiety and rebuild relationships

Start Your Journey: SEL Journeys™ Implementation Training - $75/person
- Get acquainted with the program and armed with best practices to ensure a successful implementation
- Learn how to navigate the program platform
- Consider how key SEL ideas can be reinforced throughout the week and how the program can be a springboard for boosting creativity and fostering peer relationships.

Whole School, Whole Community SEL - $75/person
- Evaluate current SEL practices at both the classroom and school wide level and identify areas for growth.
- Engage in 5 anchor activities designed to engage the whole school and community in common SEL language and practices.
- Reflect on ways to connect SEL practices to an overall school-wide health and wellness plan.

Social Emotional Learning and PE: A Perfect Match - $75/person
- Participants in this training course will take away strategies and tools to embed SEL into their existing PE curriculum and activities.