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Date: March 29th, 2016
Guest: John Krampitz, PhD
Duration: 50 minutes

To watch Part 1 on this topic (optional), click here:

The topic of this month’s webinar is “Dependable Instructional and Management Strategies for Un-dependable Children: Teaching Children Diagnosed With Neurological Based Behavior Problems, Part 2.”
Structured play times such as physical education classes need to be designed so all children can experience success. The CATCH PE instructional and management strategies and applications, while meeting needs of all children, significantly address the attention, social and physical needs of children diagnosed with neurological impairments such as ADHD, Aspergers Syndrome and Oppositional Defiance Disorder.

In the first webinar on this topic, significant time was devoted to an explanation of difficult neurological conditions followed by a review of how these conditions affect behavior in the gym or classroom. This webinar will focus specifically on instructional and management strategies that address problems associated with teaching children with neurological challenges. While these techniques can also be affective in a classroom setting, a significant amount of time will be devoted to working with large groups of children in physical education classes.

Click here for presentation slides (PDF)