March 17, 2019 , 4:15 PM
McCormick Place Convention Center
2301 S King Dr
Chicago, IL 60616
The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model: Where Are We After Five Years
Saturday, Mar 16 • 8:15 AM – 9:45 AM
- Duncan Van Dusen, Founding Executive Director, CATCH Global Foundation
- Other Panelists: Sean Slade, Rob Bisceglie, Holly Hunt
The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model was jointly developed and launched by ASCD and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in 2014. Since then, it has been adopted by more than three dozen states, 100 districts, and across settings from schools to hospitals to community centers. This session will bring together leaders from the health, education, and community services fields who are committed to the WSCC Model to discuss and understand how they have successfully implemented it, what issues they have confronted, and seek solutions to ensure that every district and community can focus on the whole child.
From Adoption to Institutionalization: Addressing the Whole Child Healthy Indicators
Sunday, March 17 • 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM
- Duncan Van Dusen, Founding Executive Director, CATCH Global Foundation
- Priscila Garza, Healthy Community School Coordinator, Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District
- Benjamin Moscona, Jefferson Parish Public School System
- Elizabeth Perez, Health Education Specialist, Lansing School District, Lansing School District
As part of the Whole Child approach, you want to take action to ensure that every child enters school healthy and learns about and practices a healthy lifestyle. But how do you get started and, once started, how do you maintain momentum and plan for sustainability? Presenters for this session include educators from three school districts each at different stages of addressing the Whole Child Healthy Tenet and its 10 Indicators: from adoption, to implementation, and institutionalization. Learn about their decision-making in determining a need for the whole child approach and which actions to take; how they have built support for change within their school communities; the programs and strategies they are using to create a culture of health; and the steps they are taking to sustain these changes. Whichever stage you are in, you will gain new ideas for moving your school or district forward in supporting student health.
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