CATCH Promise
CATCH Promise is a global health equity fund that provides access to CATCH’s Whole Child health programs to select school partners in communities across the U.S. and globe that are disproportionately impacted by social determinants of health.
CATCH’s platform of evidence-based and evidence-informed programs address the physical, emotional and mental well-being of youth through its Mind-Heart-Body approach and coordinated framework.
The CATCH Promise fund supports initiatives that are responsive to community-identified health education needs by removing barriers to CATCH program access and partnering with school communities to elevate children’s physical and mental well-being through the delivery of health education training and curriculum that help all children thrive in their minds, hearts, and bodies.

Do I feel alert? Focused? Ready to learn?

How are my emotions? What am I feeling?

How’s my health today? Do I feel energized? Have I eaten any GO foods?
How CATCH Promise Works
CATCH Global Foundation is a nonprofit organization with a mission to empower school communities to cultivate Whole Child wellness as a lever for student success and social equity.
Through CATCH Promise, CATCH helps school communities facing health equity challenges by:
- Engaging educators and key decision makers to prioritize the implementation of preventative health education programs by developing school wellness leaders with evidence-based training, curriculum and resources to meet their unique needs;
- Helping all school community members become more aware of the interdependence of a student’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being and the impact that health and wellness have on student academic and life outcomes.
Donors Fuel CATCH Promise
Thanks to our donors and partners, CATCH Promise provides eligible schools with free access to curriculum, training, and wrap-around mentorship services addressing classroom instruction, school-wide culture and climate, and family engagement.
We also work to generate awareness about the important role that Tier 1, population-wide preventative health education plays in helping children lead healthy, happy lives — mentally, physically, and emotionally — across the globe.
Learn more about how you can support CATCH Promise.
Who CATCH Promise Helps
CATCH Promise initiatives are designed for school communities facing great health disparities. To be eligible for CATCH Promise services, schools must:
- Have student populations with 50% or higher Free & Reduced Lunch (FRL) rates and/or be located in a Low to Middle Income Country (LMIC);
- Be willing and ready to make an investment of time in improving the health and wellness of their youth;
- Sign a statement of commitment to work with CATCH on a program implementation plan that suits their unique needs.
Participating school communities will have the opportunity to customize their approach given their unique needs via an in-depth intake process with CATCH’s program experts.
Some program tracks that are available via CATCH Promise include:
Whole Child Guided Journey
(Customized Whole Child Programming)Health Ed Journeys
(Comprehensive Health Education)PE Journeys
(Physical Education)SEL Journeys
(Social & Emotional Learning)CATCH My Breath
(Youth Vaping Prevention)CATCH Early Childhood
(Ages 3-5)CATCH Kids Club
(Out-of-School Time)CATCH Healthy Smiles
(Oral Health)Ray and the Sunbeatables® and Be Sunbeatable™
(Sun Safety)
Why CATCH Promise Works
Countless studies show that a person’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being are deeply interconnected. Additionally, foundational behaviors like staying active, eating and sleeping well, avoiding misuse of substances, and developing positive relationships are crucial to maintaining positive physical and mental health.
CATCH Promise provides a framework for the coordinated delivery of Whole Child health programs that help youth in myriad ways.
Here are just a few examples of how CATCH’s approach delivers a holistic solution to support child wellness, social equity, and academic performance:
Physical Activity
We all know exercise helps prevent physical and cardiovascular diseases, but physical activity is also proven to benefit mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and mood disorders and increasing self-esteem, sociability, motivation, and cognitive performance. One reason for this is that physical activity boosts endorphins, dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain, which promotes an overall sense of well-being, enhances energy levels, and helps with focus, memory and concentration. As a result, kids who are more physically active also perform better academically in school!
Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)
Social & emotional learning programs support mental and emotional health by fostering social connection and a sense of belonging among youth in schools, as well as providing opportunities for students to express their feelings in supportive environments. Additionally, students who receive SEL programming in school learn to better understand and manage their emotions, make caring and responsible decisions, and are also shown to do better academically!
Substance Misuse
In addition to the negative physical impact substance misuse, like vaping, has on brain development, lung, and cardiovascular health, youth who misuse substances are also more prone to mental health issues as substances can alter brain structure and chemistry causing feelings of depression and anxiety, as well as poor academic performance.
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Case for Support
Read our Case for Support to learn more about how the CATCH framework of programs addresses youth physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
Be Part of the CATCH Promise Solution
CATCH Promise is supported by our generous donors and partners and is resourced in the following ways:
Percentage of earned revenue from CATCH curriculum and trainings go toward supporting CATCH Promise
100% of all individual donor contributions
100% of all foundation and corporate giving
You can help sustain this important work by making a donation today or reaching out to learn more about sponsorship and partnership opportunities!
CATCH Global Foundation’s Impact
Since 2014, CATCH Promise initiatives have been implemented in thousands of eligible school communities across the world helping students develop and maintain healthy behaviors in places like New York City Public Schools, Chicago Public Schools, the School District of Philadelphia, Jefferson Parish in New Orleans, Bogotá, Colombia, and Nairobi, Kenya.

348 schools in 36 school communities have received Whole Child health programming and resources.

4,691 schools across the U.S. are implementing the CATCH My Breath youth vaping prevention program.

487 schools in 267 school districts are teaching their K-2 students about oral health with the CATCH Healthy Smiles program.
Getting Involved

For School Communities
If you are a school community interested in learning how your students and staff can benefit from CATCH Promise, please contact Abby Rose, Director of Implementation & Engagement at [email protected].

For Funders and Donors
If you are an individual, foundation or corporate entity seeking to make an impact on the health and wellness of youth, please contact Sarah Andrews, VP, Strategy & Development at [email protected].

For Media
If you are a news entity seeking to cover the health and wellness issues present in our schools, please contact Veronica Ceseña, Director of Marketing at [email protected].