Annual Report
202410-Year Annual Report
CATCH Global Foundation
Letters from Leadership

Dear Friends and Partners,
There is nothing like a birthday to celebrate where you have been and where you are headed, and CATCH Global Foundation is no exception. Happy 10th Anniversary, CATCH Global Foundation!!
Reflecting on the past 10 years, it’s clear that the incredible 25 years of CATCH preceding the foundation laid our groundwork for success. Established in 2014, CATCH Global Foundation built on a program that – while due for some updating – enjoyed incredibly strong scientific evidence, a sterling reputation for ease of use and staying power, and unrivaled partnerships with communities, school districts, and founding universities, especially UTHealth. “Good bones” indeed!
CATCH Global Foundation grabbed the baton and hasn’t stopped running in the pursuit of healthier kids, schools, and communities. Many of our stories are recapped in the foregoing pages, including:
- The creation and viral expansion of CATCH My Breath, our evidence-based vaping prevention program, which now reaches 1.5 million youth per year and is used in 90 of the 100 largest school districts in the country. Based on our published results, we estimate that cumulatively it has prevented some 500,000 youth from initiating vaping, and has helped many youth to stop vaping as well.
- The expansion of CATCH from a nutrition and physical education program to a comprehensive health program, including social and emotional learning, which meets most national and state standards and has been adopted as the health and PE textbook by hundreds of school districts.
- The full digitization of CATCH curricular materials, expansion of professional development, and translation and adaptation of several modules for use in Latin America and Kenya. These advancements have increased our reach and usability for teachers, while lowering the cost as well. We now operate with the capabilities of a well-capitalized ed-tech concern with the heart – and pricing – of a mission-driven nonprofit.
- The growth of CATCH’s reach from approximately 600,000 to 4,300,000 students per year – a compound annual growth rate of over 20% during the 10 years of the foundation.
CATCH envisions a world where all schools embrace health as an enduring value. Looking ahead to the next 10 and 25 and 50 years, CATCH has grand plans and the team, programs, and relationships to deliver on them. We see three key areas of particular growth and promise:
- Expanding programming and materials that integrate mind, heart, and body wellness for kids. We are in the grips of a youth mental health crisis and the only viable long-term solution involves a strong dose of prevention starting at an early age. Additional mental well-being resources align well with our existing strengths in substance misuse prevention and physical activity, as those three areas are strongly interrelated.
- Leveraging our strengths in Policy, Systems, and Environment (PSE) work. CATCH’s results in improving health behaviors have always been based on helping schools create environments and infrastructures to promote health, making programs more effective and more durable.
- Extending our reach to help children in more countries of the world. We have already begun delivering CATCH programs in three vital regions – East Africa, Latin America, and India – which together have over 500 million school-age children, 10 times the number here in the US.
Each day we strive to maximize the impact, scale, and sustainability of our work, and we look forward to many more years of growth and building ahead. Thank you for being our partners in this vital mission to empower school communities to cultivate Whole Child wellness as a lever for student success and social equity.
Stay well and keep celebrating Happy Birthdays!!
Duncan Van Dusen, MPH
Founder & CEO
CATCH Global Foundation

Dear Colleagues,
It is with immense joy and heartfelt gratitude that I write to you today to celebrate the 10th anniversary of CATCH Global Foundation. Reflecting on this milestone, I am deeply moved by the journey we have undertaken together and the incredible progress we have made in promoting the health and well-being of children, schools, and communities around the world.
My journey with CATCH began in 1987 at the University of Minnesota, where I was privileged to be part of the pilot study that laid the groundwork for the CATCH Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). I vividly remember as a student tasting food recipes, particularly the bean dishes, that were being tested for our school nutrition initiatives. Those early days were filled with excitement and discovery under the guidance of my advisor, Dr. Cheryl Perry, one of the original CATCH investigators and a leading school health researcher of that time.
In 1992, I moved to Houston to work with Dr. Guy Parcel, another founding CATCH investigator at UTHealth Houston and another luminary in school health research. From these remarkable mentors, and from other visionaries like Drs. Elaine Stone, Russell Leupker, Phil Nader, John Elder, Larry Webber, and Henry Feldman, I learned invaluable lessons about child and adolescent health. Their passion and dedication inspired me and set the stage for the incredible journey we would all embark upon with CATCH.
During the early years of the main randomized trial, I met my wife, Dr. Deanna Hoelscher, also a junior investigator on CATCH and now Dean of the UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Austin Regional Campus. We were both part of the second generation of CATCH researchers with Drs. Leslie Lytle, Voula Osganian, and Theresa Niklas. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) RCT study was successful and led to three more NIH studies to understand the program’s longer-term effects, how and why, year after year, schools continued implementing CATCH, and an epidemiological study of high school student cardiovascular disease risk factors.
In the late 1990s and 2000s, Deanna and I, with a large cast of staff and students, sought funding to disseminate CATCH in Texas and neighboring states of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. CATCH also found a sales and distribution home in New Jersey at Flaghouse, Inc., with George Carmel and Kathy Chichester. During those years, Peter Cribb, Joey Walker, and Jerri Ward managed the Austin CATCH office, and with Flaghouse, they led CATCH implementation in a growing number of states (and countries) and ~50% of Texas Middle and High schools.
Meanwhile, Deanna and I continued writing CATCH grants to grow the program and sustain it. We all knew CATCH was growing too fast for university professors to adequately manage, and we began brainstorming for another organizational structure. Then, I met Duncan Van Dusen, who enrolled in the first Master of Public Health class in Austin. Duncan was a remarkable student, a successful serial entrepreneur in the tech industry, and a devoted family man who aspired to develop skills in the public sector as a public health social innovator. We became close friends, and after his graduation, we started laying plans for CATCH Global Foundation.
Soon thereafter in 2014, opportunity knocked four times with support from UTHealth Houston as the major intellectual property holder and early donor, and with major donations from MD Anderson Cancer Center, the Kozmetsky Foundation, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, and numerous individual donations.
Ten years later, CATCH has grown rapidly in program offerings and geographic scope. It now provides child and family health education programs from preschool to high school in all 50 states and 35 countries with growing interest in India, Africa, and Latin America. I am honored and proud of the roles Deanna and I have played in this CATCH adventure story with so many co-investigators, students, staff, nonprofits, schools, cities, and states. It truly blends public health, implementation science, population health, and public and private funding to widely disseminate an evidence-based program.
Soon it will be up to the third generation of UTHealth CATCH research investigators working with Duncan and the CATCH team to train more graduate students, keep innovating and disseminating effective programs, and blaze new trails in the next 10 years. It’s a success story that should happen more often. In a changing public health landscape with a worldwide mental health crisis, a resurgence of infectious diseases in wealthy countries, and a ballooning chronic disease epidemic in poorer countries, CATCH is a story that must be taught, told and retold.
We are looking forward to the 10-year CATCH Global Foundation celebration!!
With heartfelt gratitude,

Dr. Steven Kelder, MPH, PhD
Distinguished Professor
UTHealth Houston School of Public Health, Austin
Founding Member CATCH Global Foundation

Deanna M. Hoelscher, PhD, RDN, LD, CNS, FISBNPA
John P McGovern Professor of Health Promotion
Regional Dean, UTHealth Houston School of Public Health, Austin
Distinguished Teaching Professor at the University of Texas System
Founder and Director of Michael and Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living
CATCH Senior Investigator
Hear their stories in their own voice
Board of Directors
Maria Isabel Casas, Colegio Tilátá**
Stefani Dawkins, Wells Fargo Bank**
Priscila D. Garza, MS, The University of Texas School of Public Health*
Ernest Hawk, MD, MPH, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Steven Kelder, PhD, MPH, The University of Texas School of Public Health
Madeline Negrón, PhD, Hartford Public Schools**
Shweta Patira, LinkedIn*
William Potts-Datema, DrPH, Southern Connecticut State University**
Kevin Ryan, Delta Dental Community Care Foundation**
Nicholas Saccaro, Quest Food Management Services**
Allison Schnieders, Esq, FAIR Health, Inc.*
Duncan Van Dusen, MPH, CATCH Global Foundation
Margo Wootan, DSc, MXG Strategies*
* Joined in 2020
** Joined in 2021
Video Feature
CATCH & Whole Child Health in Michigan Schools
In April 2021, we talked with the team at Lawton Community Schools – everyone from the district superintendent, to the principals, to the Kindergarten and PE teachers. Following are their own voices, sharing what Whole Child health and the CATCH program have done for their community of children.
Video Feature:
CATCH & Whole Child Health in Michigan Schools
In April 2021, we talked with the team at Lawton Community Schools – everyone from the district superintendent to the principals to the Kindergarten and PE teachers. Following are their own voices, sharing what Whole Child health and the CATCH program have done for their community of children.
wonderful! Our students
and staff are taking
consideration to make
healthy choices!
– Rachel O, Ellis Elementary PE Teacher
– Karly D, CATCH Training Course Attendee
– Elizabeth McClain, PhD, Chief Wellness Officer
– Lindsay A, reader of When Are We Going to Teach Health?
– COMPASS, CATCH My Breath Community Educator
– Dana Mesa, School Health Coordinator
Community Feedback

“I love how the CATCH program helped us, teachers, and staff, make living a healthy lifestyle part of our school’s culture! We became and are a school that moves and eats
–Cynthia Juarez, Sor Juana Elementary, Literacy Teacher

“Despite the circumstances of virtual/hybrid learning, our themed challenges ‘Eat the Rainbow’ and ‘Heart Healthy Hydration’ helped to create a sense of community among the students. It was great to see students come together and accomplish mindful and meaningful tasks all while having fun.”
– Jillian Clark, Patterson Elementary, Music Teacher

“The impact CATCH has had
on our building has been
wonderful! Our students and staff are taking consideration to make healthy choices!”
–Rachel Oswald, Ellis Elementary, PE Teacher
CATCH Yearbooks
Vandenberg Elementary School
Vandenberg World Cultures Academy Southfield Public Schools
Annual Reach of CATCH Programs
47% of whom are low-income Digital Curriculum & Resources
16,500 educators
from all 50 states and 88 countries in school year 2023-2024

digital lessons accessed cumulatively over past five years

Outcomes-Driven: CATCH My Breath Reduces Incidence of Youth Vaping
In 2020, UTHealth Houston School of Public Health investigator, Dr. Steven Kelder, and colleagues from UTHealth and CATCH Global Foundation, published a quasi-experimental study of CATCH My Breath in Public Health Reports, the official journal of the office of the U.S. Surgeon General and the U.S. Public Health Service.
Make Health Fun(Damental): The CATCH Philosophy in Action in Michigan
With multi-year grant funding from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund, CATCH has successfully implemented a wide-range of whole child health programming in schools across the state of Michigan. Since 2020, 47 schools have implemented CATCH’s signature Whole Child Guided Journey approach and received physical education and social-emotional learning training and resources.
Equity: Reinvesting Earned Revenue in Promising Projects
In 2016, less than two years after its inception, CATCH Global Foundation created CATCH Promise, a global health equity fund to support under-resourced schools in need of high-quality physical and mental health education. CATCH invests money earned through its fee-for-service offerings to seed early stage projects in low-income areas and secures philanthropic support to scale and sustain them.
CATCH Founder & CEO, Duncan Van Dusen, Writes an Amazon #1 Best Seller
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and on the eve of his 50th birthday, Duncan Van Dusen published, When Are We Going to Teach Health?, which quickly hit #1 on the Amazon sales charts.
Inspired by CATCH’s work, Duncan’s book presents a novel, sometimes humorous, case for prioritizing whole child health and social-emotional learning in K-12 schools. It shows why health drives academic success, what makes teaching health effective, and how to create a school environment that delivers and sustains healthy behavior.
Social, Emotional, and Mental Health: Important Components of CATCH’s School-Based Health Education
CATCH Global Foundation launched CATCH Healthy Smiles for grades Pre-K through 2 in October 2021, an innovative oral health curriculum developed by the UTHealth Houston School of Public Health with support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Generously sponsored by the Delta Dental Community Care Foundation, over 1,000 U.S. educators implemented CATCH Healthy Smiles over the past 3 school years.
CATCH Latin America Helps Students in Bogotá through a Mind-Heart-Body Approach
Started in 2021, CATCH Latin America, an international arm of CATCH Global Foundation and a collaborative initiative with the Colombian Ministry of Education and the Bogotá Secretaría de Educación, established a commitment to get students active so they would be happier, healthier, and more successful academically. This led to the implementation of CATCH’s evidence-based program, CATCH PE Journeys, and associated SEL components, in Colombian schools. Over 200 Colombian public schools are now utilizing the curriculum and 800 teachers have completed CATCH professional development.
Collaboration: Educator Engagement through School Community of Practice
Delivered in partnership with The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, the School Community of Practice is building the capacity of Texas school districts to deliver sustainable coordinated school health programs and age-appropriate cancer risk reduction activities. This is an excellent example of improving community health through a focus on Policies, Systems, and Environments (PSE), at which CATCH has long excelled.
Beginning in the Houston area in 2022 and expanding to the Austin region in 2023 and the Rio Grande Valley in 2024, the School Community of Practice supports educators in addressing student health needs, develops their professional skills and network, allows them to navigate challenges together, and celebrates their successes.
Reaching Rural Schools: Partnerships with H-E-B in Texas and Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky in Eastern Kentucky
CATCH’s partnership with the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky brought the CATCH Whole Child Guided Journey to 12 schools in Appalachian Kentucky during the 2022-2024 school years. This program equips school wellness leaders with curriculum, professional development, and technical assistance to create school environments that promote both physical and mental well-being for all students.
Trust: Commitment to Aligning Programs with National and State Standards
At the start of the 2022-2023 school year, CATCH proudly launched CATCH Health Ed Journeys, making CATCH a one-stop shop for health and physical education instructional materials for K-8 schools. Schools trust CATCH to keep up with the latest science and standards in education, and in its first two years, Health Ed Journeys was adopted as a primary textbook by over 1,000 schools in districts of all sizes around the country including Houston ISD, Dallas ISD, Boston Public Schools, and many others.
CATCH My Breath Expands to New York City Public Schools to Prevent Youth Vaping
Thanks to generous grants from the New York Health Foundation and The New York Community Trust, CATCH is bringing its evidence-based CATCH My Breath youth vaping prevention program to 280 public schools in New York City. CATCH’s work in partnership with the New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) was recognized as one of the top achievements of 2023 in NYCPS, and featured on ABC 7 New York Eyewitness News with Bill Ritter.
Financial Impact
in youth health education programming delivered to communities over 10 years
(85 cents of each dollar goes to Program Services)

Financial Strength & Sustainability

Developing and maintaining curriculum and instructional materials

Building and deploying internal and external technology

Maintaining programming activities through ups and downs of funding cycles
And, above all:

Here is an overview of these goals and 10-year progress:
Increase earned revenue faster than philanthropic revenue.
10-Year Progress
CATCH’s earned revenue as a percentage of total revenue has climbed steadily, reaching 77% in fiscal 2024, and now providing more than 3-to-1 leverage on philanthropic grants and gifts.
Develop an asset base of $10 million.
10-Year Progress
CATCH has reached $5.5 million in assets – 55% of the way to a long-term goal of $10 million.
$10 million
Revenue & Expenses
Note: As of publication, these figures have not been audited. See our Financials Page for a full list of audited financial statements.

We'd love to hear from you!
If you have any questions or comments about this report or want to learn more about how to get involved with CATCH, please contact Sarah Andrews, Vice President of Philanthropy & Development, at [email protected].
Thank you to all CATCH supporters!
Our efforts are made possible due to our strong partnerships and support from donors. Join them by making a donation today!
Founding Partners
Corporate & Community Partners

Canutillo Eagles DECA

Coordinated Health Institute

The Force for Good Foundation
JJ Pearce DECA
Kind Foundation
Sample of School Districts