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USDA Ruling Sets New Requirements for School Wellness Policies
August 19, 2016

On July 29, 2016, the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) finalized a new set of requirements governing school wellness polices. The ruling affects all schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast Program and must be completed by June 30, 2017. Wellness policies […]

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CATCH E-Cigarette Prevention Program for Middle School Students
August 15, 2016

The below is taken from a press release on the CATCH My Breath Youth E-cigarette Prevention Program. Click here for downloads of our national and Texas-specific releases. On the heels of a new U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rule […]

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CATCH® partners with Carnegie Public Schools with support from BCBS-OK
CATCH in the Community
August 10, 2016

The CATCH Global Foundation has been named a recipient of the Healthy Kids, Healthy Families (HFHK) grant program from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma (BCBS-OK); an initiative designed to improve the health and wellness of children through community […]

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Humana Foundation Grants New Orleans Catch Project
CATCH in the Community
August 10, 2016

The CATCH Global Foundation and Jefferson Parish Schools will help increase physical activity and healthy eating, reduce childhood obesity and promote healthy school and community environments among 4,200 kindergarten through fifth-grade students under an $80,000 charitable grant provided by the […]

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The Lancet names CATCH® among effective physical activity interventions
July 28, 2016

  UK medical journal The Lancet published a story this week on the importance of scaling up physical activity interventions worldwide. The four aims of the study are as follows. (1) to summarise the available peer-reviewed, scientific evidence on scaling up […]

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Summer Provides Perfect Opportunity to Remind Parents, Children about Damage Caused by Too Much Sun
Sun Safety
June 20, 2016

CATCH Global Foundation Distributes Critical Tools Developed by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center to Help Preschool, K-1 Teachers Promote Sun Safety Among Children Evidence-based curriculum helps meet Texas health and physical education standards; 6 Texas school districts […]

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2016 Health Fair in Missoula, MT!
CATCH in the Community
June 9, 2016

Our friends in Missoula, MT just completed their 2016 CATCH Health Fair. Close to 800 kids and 45 volunteers in two days! Check out these awesome photos from this big event in a city with a truly Coordinated Approach To […]

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Pictures from our #SunSafeSuperhero competition!
Sun Safety
June 8, 2016

Thank you so much to all of those who participated in our Sun Safe Superhero contest, in partnership with It’s Time Texas and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center! These photos come to us from DeKalb, Illinois, from […]

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May 31 is World No Tobacco Day
May 31, 2016

Today is World No Tobacco Day, as organized by the World Health Organization’s Tobacco Free Initiative. Part of a truly Coordinated Approach To Child Health is making sure young people learn with health education lessons to not start using tobacco […]

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Sunscreen Tips for your Memorial Day!
Sun Safety
May 26, 2016

This weekend is not only when we celebrate Memorial Day, but is the last weekend of Skin Cancer Awareness Month! What better weekend to make sure we’re treating our skin with the care and caution it deserves? Be sure to […]

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